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01/06 (Mon) 05:52 (GMT+8)
Airplane in the sky

Passenger Notice

Main Content

(I) Reservation and Check-in

  1. It is suggested that passengers make reservations in advance in order to facilitate their trip.
  2. Request a reservation number and confirm the departure date, flight number, departure time, embarkation port, destination and the correct spelling of the passenger’s name (the name on the reservation and the name on the ticket should be identical). Leave contact information with the airline to expedite notification in case of changes in the flight schedule.
  3. Please call the reservation office if you cancel your trip, so as not to hinder reservation arrangements for other passengers.
  4. For domestic flights, there are restrictions on reservations for flights during the Chinese Lunar New Year and other major national holidays. It is recommended to contact airline in advance regarding reservations for flights during this time.
  5. Passengers for domestic flights should complete their check-in process at least 30 minutes before the flight take-off, and at least 45~60 minutes for international flights, depending on each airlines respective requirements. Failure to do so may result in the seats being assigned to passengers on the waiting list.
  6. For your own interest, please make reservation in advance when making your travel arrangement and check-in at the airport as early as possible.

(II) Purchasing and Refund of a Ticket

  1. 1. Passengers may purchase their tickets from airlines or travel agents. The bearer on a ticket may not be changed once it is filled out. Unless otherwise agreed, a ticket is valid for one year. An unused expired ticket may be refunded with the original selling agents with charges. For some of the discounted tickets, there may be embargo requirement or other conditions, please inquire with the selling agent at the time when purchasing the ticket.
  2. When a ticket is lost, the passenger may, within the valid date, file with the selling agent for the lost ticket. A reported lost ticket may be refunded after the airline verifies that the lost ticket is not used for flight. However, there will be charges for such process.
  3. Within the valid date of a ticket whose price is approved to change by the authority, the passenger shall be refunded or pay for the differences base on the date of the actual flight.。

(III) Services Airline Shall Provide in Case of a Flight Delay

  1. The airline shall immediately inform passengers about flight delays via mass media. They will do their best to inform passengers who have not left for the airport. For group passengers, the airline should ensure that travel agents inform group members. The airline shall keep in contact with travel agents to avoid leaving passengers lingering at the airport.
  2. When a flight is delayed for more than 15 minutes for domestic flights(30 minutes for international flights), changes route, changes embarkation departing airport or landing airport, the airline shall immediately explain the reason and provide contingency measures.
  3. Airline shall post the most current information on flight delay status at the airport, so that passengers may plan their contingency plans accordingly.
  4. Airline shall, depending on the situation, provide proper telecommunication, food, lodging, blankets and medical support to passengers. It may also provide substitute flights or transportation.
  5. Airline shall look after passenger interests in a reasonable manner. In case this is not possible, the airline shall provide an explanation to the passengers and act accordingly.

(IV) If Flight Delay is Due to an Act of God (force majeure)

  1. When a delay is due to bad weather (i.e. fog or typhoon), it will be regarded as an act of god. In such a situation, if the airline is still willing to provide relevant support to passengers, such support is more than international protocol requires. However, such support may not always meet passenger expectations. In such a situation, passenger understanding and cooperation is expected. Please do not act unreasonably by interfering with airport operation by occupying the aircraft or other measures which only lead to further delay as well as inconvenience to other passengers. It also disgraces the image of the country. Acting passengers may be held criminally liability.
  2. According to current regulations, unless otherwise stated, the airline is only responsible for extra expenses incurred by a flight delay which is due to an act of god.

(V) Tips for Avoiding Being Trapped in the Flight Delay

  • It is suggested that passengers inquire with the airline about flight information before leaving for the airport during seasons with bad weather (i.e. typhoon season or the foggy season between February and March) so as to reduce the impact of the flight delay to the passengers.

(VI) Indemnification by Travel Insurance.

  • Most credit card-issuing banks provide travel insurance which will indemnify the cardholder for expenses incurred by flight delays, luggage delays or loss of luggage. Passengers are suggested to inquire with their credit card-issuing banks regarding the content of travel insurance before their trip