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01/13 (Mon) 04:53 (GMT+8)
Airplane in the sky

Energy Policy

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Kaohsiung International Airport
Energy Management Policy

To enhance the energy efficiency of Kaohsiung International Airport (KIA), KIA is committed to providing excellent services to users of airport buildings and facilities while striving to maintain comparable or lower electricity consumption per passenger. KIA pledges to reduce its energy consumption in the long term and continuously improve energy efficiency, aiming for an annual reduction of 1% in electricity consumption. To meet this goal, we have established an energy management system based on the standard of ISO 50001. We will ensure that all standard requirements are implemented and continuously improve all processes in the energy management system. We will regularly review the following items:

  1. Engage all personnel in energy conservation and carbon reduction, promoting energy audits at the airport.
  2. Implement the energy management system to ensure the achievement of energy goals.
  3. Prioritize the procurement of energy-efficient products and comply with energy-related regulations.
  4. Conduct regular energy management reviews to continuously improve energy performance.
  5. Optimize equipment operation to enhance energy use efficiency.