

113-04-27 06:44:02
編號: 20160001
1. 發文文號 (KIA Letter Ref. No.): (開放性問題)
2. 陳情事由 (Petition Subject): (開放性問題)
3. 請問您提出陳情的時間 (The date of your):
  1. 西元年 (year) (開放性問題)

  2. 月 (month) (開放性問題)

  3. 日 (day)。 (開放性問題)

4. 請問您是用那一種方式陳情 (How did you present your petition)?
書信 (letter) 7 % / 6票
電話 (telephone) 2 % / 2票
傳真 (fax) 0 % / 0票
電子郵件 (e-mail) 79 % / 64票
親自到場 (personally) 2 % / 2票
其他 (others) 8 % / 7票
5. 請問您多久後收到正式答覆 (How many days later did the formal answer reach you)? (答31天以上者請續答第6題) (in case more than 31 days, please continue the following 3-1)
10天內 (within 10 days) 91 % / 74票
11-20天 (11-20 days) 4 % / 4票
21-30天 (21-30 days) 3 % / 3票
31天以上 (more than 31 days) 0 % / 0票
忘記了 (can’t remember) 0 % / 0票
6. 請問有關機關是否先行通知您本案未能於30天內辦結的理由 (Have you ever been informed by the competent authority that your petition may take more than 30 days and its reasons)?
是(yes) 25 % / 15票
否(no) 75 % / 45票
7. 請問您是否一次向多個機關陳情同一事件 (Have you petitioned to several different authorities for the same case)?
是(yes) 14 % / 12票
否(no) 85 % / 69票
8. 請問您的問題解決了嗎 (Whether your problem has been resolved)?
完全解決 (totally resolved) 50 % / 41票
部分解決 (partially resolved) 16 % / 13票
完全沒有解決 (not resolved at all) 19 % / 16票
只是提出建議供參考 (the comments are for reference only) 8 % / 7票
不知道 (no idea) 1 % / 1票
其他 (others) 3 % / 3票
9. 請問您對於有關機關的答覆內容滿意嗎 (Did the answer from the competent authorities satisfy you)? (答不滿意或非常不滿意者,請續答10題) (if your answer is unsatisfactory or very unsatisfactory, please continue the following 6-1)
非常滿意(very satisfactory) 40 % / 33票
滿意(satisfactory) 23 % / 19票
普通(fair) 6 % / 5票
不滿意(unsatisfactory) 4 % / 4票
非常不滿意(very unsatisfactory) 22 % / 18票
沒意見(no comment) 0 % / 0票
不知道(no idea) 0 % / 0票
其他(others) 2 % / 2票
10. 請問您不滿意的理由(Why you were unsatisfied?) (可複選 )(You may tick more than one.)
問題未解決(the problem remained unsolved) 32 % / 17票
處理態度不佳(bad attitude in handling) 0 % / 0票
處理時間太慢(too slow) 5 % / 3票
內容係例稿,欠缺誠意(the answer was routine and lack of sincerity) 13 % / 7票
曲解法令或引用錯誤(the laws or regulations were distorted or wrongly quoted) 3 % / 2票
相關機關推諉責任(the authorities concerned pass the buck to each other) 9 % / 5票
答復內容與實際情形不符(the answer was inconsistent with the facts) 15 % / 8票
其他(others)(字數50以內) 19 % / 10票
11. 請問您以前是否曾向本機關陳情 (Have you ever petitioned to this Administration before)?
是(yes) 8 % / 7票
否(no) 91 % / 74票
12. 請問您這次陳情是否針對以前曾陳情的相同事由再來陳情 (Did you petition this time for the same old case you had made before)? (答是者請續答13題) (If yes, please continue the following 8-1)
是(yes) 8 % / 7票
否(no) 91 % / 74票
13. 請問您為什麼一再陳情(Why did you petition again)? (可複選)(You may tick more than one.)
案件沒有處理(Your previous petition had not been answered) 9 % / 2票
處理結果與期望相差太遠(the result was against your expectations) 36 % / 8票
機關推諉責任(the authorities concerned pass the buck to each other) 4 % / 1票
案情另有新發展(the case had new development) 0 % / 0票
與大眾權益有關(the case was closely related to public interests) 31 % / 7票
其他(others) (字數50以內) 18 % / 4票
14. 陳情人基本資料 )(Petitioner basic data):
  1. 姓名(Name) (開放性問題)

  2. Email(Email) (開放性問題)

  3. 性別(Sex)

    女(female) 37 % / 30票
    男(male) 62 % / 51票
  4. 年齡(Age)

    20歲以下(below 20) 1 % / 1票
    21-29歲 7 % / 6票
    30-39歲 37 % / 30票
    40-49歲 28 % / 23票
    50-59歲 19 % / 16票
    60歲以上(over 60) 6 % / 5票
  5. 教育程度(Education)

    國小及以下(elementary school or under) 0 % / 0票
    國中(junior high school) 2 % / 2票
    高中、職(senior high school or vocation school) 6 % / 5票
    專科(technological academy) 11 % / 9票
    大學及以上(college/university or higher) 80 % / 65票
  6. 職業(Occupation)

    軍公教(soldier/government employee/teacher) 13 % / 11票
    企業主(entrepreneur) 9 % / 8票
    一般企業職員(industry employee) 28 % / 23票
    勞工(labor) 7 % / 6票
    家管、退休人員(housekeeping/retired) 6 % / 5票
    自由業(醫師、律師、會計師等)professional (doctor, lawyer, accountant and etc.) 17 % / 14票
    無業(nil) 4 % / 4票
    其他(others)(字數50以內) 12 % / 10票